Our Philosophy
Serving humanity with compassion, dignity, and hope.
Serving humanity with compassion, dignity, and hope.
Serving humanity with compassion, dignity, and hope.
We do not regard people as helpless victims or as passive recipients of aid. Rather, we believe that every human has limitless potential, we just need to support them in identify and explore their potential. Instead of providing materialistic aid we always strive to offer capacity building initiatives such as counselling, awareness, guidance etc. which empowers them to become the protagonists of their own development.
We prefer seeking volunteer-ship instead of donation. Most of our work is done at very low cost with the help of volunteers and the results are very encouraging. We believe that it is more important than giving economic donations that people should engage in social service so that people can integrate into the society and develop empathy.
We believe that development should not only be defined by material goals, but should also consider the moral aspect. Society should not only be focused on being mere consumers of goods and services. We try to spread awareness about human values and rich traditional practices among children and early age youth.
We do not discriminate in selection of activities andselection of volunteers on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, lifestyle etc. We believe that in the society everyone is god's great creation and can contribute for the entire society.